April 17, Price of Disobedience

Today’s reading: Psalms 81-85

“If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would only follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!” - Psalm 81:13-14.

Occasionally in the Psalms, it is the Lord speaking and not the psalmists themselves. In this passage, the Lord laments His people’s disobedience, reiterating His desire to help and deliver them if they would only listen to His voice. He had given them over to their stiff-necked ways, however, and they were not about to repent and turn to Him. There is always a price to pay for disobedience. You must always ask yourself if some of your dilemmas are a result of your own disobedience in some area of life. What’s more, some of what you have considered spiritual warfare may not be that at all, and your obedience could bring about God’s swift intervention on your behalf. Are you struggling financially? Relationally? Occupationally? Then take a close look today, with God’s help, and see if you can engage God’s quick help by obeying His word and will for your life in that particular area.



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