Available Blogs

John endeavors to make his writings available for those who cannot purchase his books through his multiple blogs and social media outlets. Here is quick overview of his blogs and their general focus.

The Monday Memo

John began writing and sending out the Monday Memo in March, 2001. He has told many audiences, "My purpose in writing the Monday Memo is simple. I want to be in your face every Monday morning, asking you, 'Do you know your purpose? What are you doing about it? What faith steps are you taking that are bringing you closer to your goals? Are you using your time wisely? Are you helping others discover their purpose?"

If you want John to bring you regular purpose and faith reminders, then sign up for The Monday Memo. A complete collection of all the Memos is included on this page.

Weekly Bible Studies

John began developing online Bible studies in 2001 and completed a verse-by-verse study of the entire New Testament in 2010. Since then, he has published those studies under the title Live the Word Commentaries, which are available in paper or Kindle formats. Now John has begun a Purpose Study that focuses on the Old Testament. You can access all John's commentaries, Old and New, here, where you can also sign up to receive notices when he publishes a new entry.

Personal Blog

John has written a personal blog since 2006 and has published material on a wide variety of topics like purpose, leadership, his travels, his relief and development work in Kenya, and his daily devotionals. From 2011 to 2015, John wrote a daily devotional, all of which are available on the blog as well as for purchase as books. If you would like to receive a notice when John has written a new entry, you can sign up here. John also posts a devotional Monday through Friday on all his social media outlets.

Daily Reflections from the Psalms

John's most popular devotional is the one that draws its material from the book of Psalms. This daily inspirational work is available in book and Kindle formats and is also available on this site every day.


July 27, Vindication

One of the most difficult aspects of life to surrender to the Lord is your reputation. When someone makes an accusation or charges you with an offense, everything in you wants to defend yourself and correct what people are thinking about you. Yet the Lord desires that you trust your reputation with Him, allowing Him to be your...

July 26, A Kingdom Worker

The concept of work is different for a believer than for someone who doesn’t know the Lord. For the unbeliever, work is how he or she makes money. For believers, God has promised to provide, so they work to extend God’s kingdom rule on the job. What does that mean?

July 25, Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On

It is easy to misinterpret a Bible promise to mean something that it does not mean. In Isaiah, God makes the promise that no weapon formed against you shall prosper (see Isaiah 54:17). The verse doesn’t mean the weapons won’t be formed or won’t try to be effective against you, it simply says they won’t be successful.

July 24, Leaders and Kings

God is a leadership God. He works through leaders, but the tendency of mankind has been to put expectations on their leaders that should only be put on the Lord. This has led time and again to the glorification and deification of leaders, and that always gets people in trouble — for leaders are mortal and will eventually pass from the scene, no matter how effective or evil they are.

July 23, Water in a Dry Place

God led His people in to the wilderness, another word for the Sinai desert. The temperatures were scorching, the nights were bitter cold, there was no food, and of course there was no water. What’s more, there were millions of people, plus all their herds of animals, and they wandered there for 40 years before they entered the Promised Land.

July 22, Friendship Betrayed

There is an aspect of Psalms that not only describes the experience of the psalmist, but also looks ahead to the ministry and suffering of Jesus. Jesus lived the psalms, just like you do when you read them to identify with the human pathos they represent and narrate. In these verses, we learn that Jesus...

July 21, Choosing Friends

David declared that he was careful about choosing both his friends, associates, and his spiritual leaders. He understood what Paul wrote much later: “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character’” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Paul also wrote, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.