PurposeQuest International


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The Monday Memo

Monday Memo 1189: Bread

Let's revisit the passage we looked at last week to gain additional insight into what God is teaching us about our finances and our purpose and the connection between the two:

Monday Memo 1188: Financial Seasons

Last week, we began a new series on 'Purpose and Finances' when we looked at Paul's words that he had learned how to be content with a lot or a little. Why would God permit there to be a little, when He promises abundance and a land flowing with milk and honey? We see the answer to that question in Deuteronomy:

Monday Memo 1187: Paul's Secret

Paul was a man of purpose in all financial seasons and God wants you (and me) to be like him. And it starts with accepting the limitation of Philippians 4:13, which doesn't apply to all of life but rather to your ability to purposely function in every financial season.

Monday Memo 1186: Purpose And Money

I have a set of questions I pose to people who come to me for help finding their purpose. One of those questions is, "If you had all the money you needed to live, what would you do with your life? How would you fill your time?" More often than not, people struggle to answer. They may tell me they would travel, but when I ask...

Monday Memo 1185: Follow Your Star

Who were those wise men known as Magi who came from the east to visit Jesus and bring him gifts? (You can read this brief story by at Matthew 2:1-12.) We aren't really sure. We also don't know what they were looking for as they studied the heavens and what kind of star they saw that caused them to follow it hundreds of miles to find an infant king.

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Revelation From Revelation

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Never Too Young