The Monday Memo

Monday Memo 1162: Be Useful

I hear people today dismissing age as "only a number," but I respond, "Yes, but my number is pretty big!" None of us are getting out of her alive, but I'm determined not to cooperate with the typical image of old age. If I understand purpose correctly, we're never too old to find and fulfill it, so I invite you to join me on the road named "doing good."

Monday Memo 1161: Serving The Young

David was popular but on more than one occasion his self-centered tendencies caused his subjects many problems. Determine to be a person of purpose right up to the end, not insisting your own needs be met but doing what you can to meet the needs of others.

Monday Memo 1160: Won't You Be My Neighbor?

People of faith also see things. They see the future so clearly, sometimes even the future after they have departed this life, that they welcome those pictures of what is yet to come and work to make them a reality for themselves and for those closest to them.

Monday Memo 1159: Die in Faith

Joseph had heard the stories from Jacob, his father, that God was going to give the people the land according to the promise He made to Abraham. Joseph put his faith in that promise and was confident it would take place, even though Joseph himself had been...

Monday Memo 1158: Words and Worship

This week, we focus on Jacob, the grandson of Abraham and Sarah, who was a hero of faith in his own right by following in his family's footsteps. Since this series is titled "Never Too Old for Purpose," let's go to one verse that described Jacob "when he was dying":

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Daily Devotional

July 27, Vindication

One of the most difficult aspects of life to surrender to the Lord is your reputation. When someone makes an accusation or charges you with an offense, everything in you wants to defend yourself and correct what people are thinking about you. Yet the Lord desires that you trust your reputation with Him, allowing Him to be your...

July 26, A Kingdom Worker

The concept of work is different for a believer than for someone who doesn’t know the Lord. For the unbeliever, work is how he or she makes money. For believers, God has promised to provide, so they work to extend God’s kingdom rule on the job. What does that mean?

July 25, Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On

It is easy to misinterpret a Bible promise to mean something that it does not mean. In Isaiah, God makes the promise that no weapon formed against you shall prosper (see Isaiah 54:17). The verse doesn’t mean the weapons won’t be formed or won’t try to be effective against you, it simply says they won’t be successful.

July 24, Leaders and Kings

God is a leadership God. He works through leaders, but the tendency of mankind has been to put expectations on their leaders that should only be put on the Lord. This has led time and again to the glorification and deification of leaders, and that always gets people in trouble — for leaders are mortal and will eventually pass from the scene, no matter how effective or evil they are.

July 23, Water in a Dry Place

God led His people in to the wilderness, another word for the Sinai desert. The temperatures were scorching, the nights were bitter cold, there was no food, and of course there was no water. What’s more, there were millions of people, plus all their herds of animals, and they wandered there for 40 years before they entered the Promised Land.