April 27, Mind Your Business
Today’s reading: Psalm 131-135
“My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me” - Psalm 131:1.
I was in Zimbabwe and was about to follow a dynamic, animated, and hilarious speaker at a church conference. The people were standing and cheering him on and I was actually considering both changing my message along with my delivery when the Spirit “spoke” to me. He told me to “stay within yourself,” which I did. I stayed true to my style and delivered the word the Lord had given me and the people enthusiastically responded. Today’s verse urges you to “stay within yourself” as well by minding your own business and not concerning yourself with matters that don’t concern you. When you are proud, you think you know more than you do and you can begin to judge others and comment on things for which you have no experience, insight, or gifting. What does “staying within yourself” mean for you? Are you staying focused on the business and people that matter most to you, or have you strayed into fretting about things that are none of your business? Do you see that this is a matter of pride and that the answer is to humble yourself and tend to your own matters!