January 01, Faith in Action
Today’s Reading: Psalms 1-5
“For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction” - Psalm 1:6
This verse mentions “way” twice, one for the righteous and one for the wicked. All people are walking one of those two ways. The Lord expects you to be on His way, and that way is the road marked “faith.” The word way and a life of faith imply movement and progress in the right direction. James 2:17 describes the way for God’s people: “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not ac- companied by action, is dead.” There is always something you can do in faith, otherwise your faith is useless. Your life matter today is to determine what faith action you can take concerning a particular situation you are facing. What is that action? Be specific, and don’t say you don’t have time. Let’s start the year off with a prayer, shall we? Father, I thank You for your Word and the chance to study it. I commit these readings to you, and I pray that you will equip and empower me to learn and apply the lessons You have for me, and I will be able to apply what I learn by Your grace. I commit this year and this study to You!