January 06, The Flood, Your Flood


Today’s Reading: Psalms 26-30

“The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace”
- Psalm 29:10-11.

Have you ever watched video footage of a flood or tsunami? If you have, you know it’s pretty scary stuff, as you watch the water pick up boats and cars and carry them like they are sticks. Today’s passage tells you that the Lord presided over Noah’s flood as King. In other words, He controlled it with greater power than those floor waters possessed. The same King who controlled the Flood now uses His power to give you peace and strength in the midst of situations that may seem overwhelming and terrifying to you. Thank Him today for both empowering you to stand in the day of trouble and overpowering your flood-like circumstances to preserve you in the midst of them.



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