January 09, God-Reliant
Today’s Reading: Psalms 41-45
“I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame” - Psalm 44:6-7.
It is a lifelong journey to learn how to be God-reliant and not self-reliant. The more talented or experienced you are, the more your tendency to think, “I’ve got this,” and to act accordingly. The psalmist in Psalm 44 was probably skilled using the bow and sword, but he learned to put no trust in them, but instead placed his confidence in the Lord. In what area do you need to put your trust completely in the Lord? Where are you facing a situation that you have handled it in the past, but today you are learning to trust in God’s strength and His timing for your victory? Have you begun to put your trust in your gift or skill instead of the God of your gift or skill? If you are being delivered from your reliance on self, then pray this prayer today: Lord, I choose to be God-reliant and learn to trust You to help me overcome my enemies and win the victory in every area of life.