Memo 1061: Game of Thrones
It's time to start a new series while I go back and edit the previous one into a book. The last series was 'Training for Reigning' and this one is titled 'Life on the Throne." As we ended last week, David has been made king over his tribe of Judah, another step closer to the fulfillment of God's promise to him that he would be king over all of Israel. However, that next step brought him into conflict with the descendants of Saul, his old nemesis, and David quickly learned that his days of conflict were not over. Let's start this new series by looking at what transpired as David took.
A few years ago, there was a popular television series called Game of Thrones that portrayed the fictional battle between several families who were vying for power and the throne. I thought of David's predicament every time I watched one of those episodes. As David ascended the throne of Judah, we read
Ish-Bosheth son of Saul was forty years old when he became king over Israel, and he reigned two years. The tribe of Judah, however, remained loyal to David. The length of time David was king in Hebron over Judah was seven years and six months (2 Samuel 2:10-11).
Ish-bosheth and David were two kings existing in the same space, and that led to much conflict. One such conflict involved 12 men from both sides who "squared off" in battle, with the following result: "Then each man grabbed his opponent by the head and thrust his dagger into his opponent’s side, and they fell down together" (2 Samuel 2:16). What followed were more military shenanigans with men fighting and dying on each side, all over who was the rightful heir to Saul's throne that God had already determined. We are told, "The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker" (2 Samuel 3:1).
In our last series, David's was passive where his throne was concerned, careful not to take matters into his own hands by attacking or harming Saul, whom he referred to as God's anointed. However, Ish-bosheth was not the heir God intended and that meant David could go on the offensive. It was time to fight for what was rightfully his. It may be time for you to do the same.
Many years ago, I felt like what God had promised me was not taking place. I was serving ministries that were not interested in what God had for me, but only what I could give them. Then when I departed, I had to start over to come into what I believed God wanted me to do. I can remember times of prayer when I would cry out to God and strike the ground. I would proclaim to God and principalities and powers during my prayer times that no one could take or have my inheritance or ministry work. Even though I was nowhere near doing what I felt I was to do, I thanked God for it as if I already had it. I aggressively prayed and came against any and all spiritual forces that were trying to hold me back or take what was mine.
Over time, I got stronger and more confident. God gave me more insight and wisdom and more doors began to open, but this happened not over months but years. Then finally, I began to travel and speak and as I write this, I just finished a trip to three nations in Africa where I preached four times, conducted one three-hour online seminar, and taught a total of 18 hours of leadership training—all in eight days. I'm on my throne, which for me is the equivalent of fulfilling my purpose.
And now, what about you? Are you on your throne or on your way? Or are you stuck? Do you expect a smooth ride or are you willing to contend, over a long period of time if necessary, for what is yours? That will involve both intense preparation and spiritual warfare to take the place God has assigned to you. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 16:9, "But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me." If someone is standing between you and your throne, it's not a time to play games but to seriously pursue your God-given purpose until you are where God wants you to be. Have a blessed week.