Memo 1128: Let the Children Come
This week in our series "Never Too Young for Purpose," let's look at a brief Jesus' story:
Some people brought children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and to pray for them, but the disciples scolded the people. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." He placed his hands on them and then went away (Matthew 19:13-15).
It seems that some adults saw an opportunity to bring some young people to Jesus for a blessing. However, the ushers or those closest to Jesus didn't like what was happening so they told the people to stop. Jesus spoke up and gave them all clear instructions: He wanted the young people to come without any hindrance. And because that's what Jesus wanted, that's what happened. He then laid His hands on them and prayed for them.
Therefore, if Jesus didn't mind adults bringing young people to Him, that means He has no problem with young people coming to Him on their own. What's more, He said that His kingdom belonged to young people—and those who had the same attitude and behavior as those young children. What did He mean by that?
When Jesus began His ministry, He did not talk to people about the church, He talked to them about God's Kingdom: "'The right time has come,' he said, 'and the Kingdom of God is near!'" (Mark 1:15). What is God's Kingdom? It's the will of God for your life, not just in what you will do in your work or ministry, but also in how you will live your everyday life. When Jesus said to love one another or to be generous or to forgive, those were rules or laws in His Kingdom. You are to obey those commands not just when you go to church, but all day every day—whether anyone is looking or not. Why? Because when you give your life to Jesus, you're a part of His Kingdom in which He is the King and you exist to please your King.
Later, Jesus talked to His disciples about how to be great in His Kingdom: "But this is not the way it is with you; rather, the greatest one among you must be like the youngest, and the leader must be like the servant" (Luke 22:26). That's another rule in God's Kingdom that we must all be servants, and act like "the youngest." This is why Jesus said the Kingdom belongs to those who act like the children who were coming to Him for prayer.
Those children are humble and open to learn and know they need people helping and protecting them. Some adults forget that they too are children of God and are in need of His help all the time, which is why Jesus pointed out that young people have an advantage over adults where the Kingdom of God is concerned.
Aren't you glad that Jesus welcomes you to come to Him no matter your age? Isn't it wonderful that He actually said that young people actually model His preferred behavior for His Kingdom? And that means God can use you, not just when you get older, but right now! I encourage you to go to Jesus regularly and allow Him to speak to you about His will and purpose for your life, knowing that He is happy you have come. And after He touches you, go out to your world to be a person who models what the Kingdom of God should look like in everyone's lives, including adults. Have a blessed week!