Memo 985: Beauty of Holiness

As we continue to look at how we can unlock the power of our thinking, let's consider a verse from Psalm 96:9: "Worship the Lord in holy array" (NASB). The King James Version states the same verse, "O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." The King James seems to place the label of holiness on the Lord (or perhaps that is simply how we choose to read it), but this week, let's assume that the adjective of holiness is to be on the worshiper, not the One worshiped. What are the implications for the perspective that the status of holiness is conferred on us as we worship the Lord?


There is an aspect of holiness that has little to do with avoiding sin. It does not speak to the state of sinlessness in which you do not watch bad movies or speak profanity. It does not pertain to praying and reading the Bible. Instead, it is more of the fact that when you are holy, you are set apart for some special service or expression. For example, my mother had special dishes she only used when company came. Those dishes were set apart, they were holy to her, because they had a special use. You are holy in the same sense that God has set you apart to do something only you can do, to be something only you can be.

What's more, you are set apart due to the fact there is, and there never has been or will be again, anyone like you. You have a set of fingerprints and a DNA code that have never existed. They are not recycled from someone who existed 100 years ago. You are holy unto the Lord, a unique creation with a distinct personality, gift mix, and way of processing sensory input. So far, you may be thinking, That's great, but what has this got to do with unlocking my thinking? The most important impact this fact can have on you is in how you view and think about yourself, which will in turn influence what you do with your life and gifts God has bestowed on you.


If and when you are biased against yourself, you may attempt to become like others or simply distort who you are. Yet "who you are" is an important part of your creativity and purpose, for you must inject and invest who you are into what you do for it to be all God intends for it to be. For example, the writers of the four gospels injected who there were into their accounts. They used their vocabulary, style of writing, experience, heritage, unique insights, and relationships (Mark was Peter's assistant) to flavor their gospel accounts. They did not all write the same way using the same format or approach. They were unique and thus their work was unique, or should I say it was holy—set apart for a specific purpose.

Examples would also abound throughout the world of creativity. A master painter had a unique style and forgeries can come close but cannot exactly replicate what is being copied because those copying cannot capture the essence of the who the artist was. The same would be true for writers, sculptors, preachers, teachers, coaches, and any other expression of life and work. You have been set apart for a work only you can produce and that means you must be you to produce it. You can emulate someone else, but even doing that you will be providing your unique interpretation of what you are emulating. It will still be yours, but will never be mistaken for the one you are modeling.

This means you can stop thinking about being someone else even if you are trying to be like someone else, for you will be like them as only you can be and do. You don't have to fear expressing yourself as you express your purpose and creativity. In fact, you have a mandate to do so. As you serve the Lord in the beauty of your holiness as a unique expression of God's creation, you will then truly worship Him because you will confess that since you are good enough for God you are also good enough for yourself. Have a blessed week!

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