Monday Memo 1173: Faith Reasoning
We're coming to the end of our 'Never Too Old for Purpose' series but we still have a few more lessons to cover. Let's take another look at Abraham this week, specifically at the sacrifice of Isaac:
By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death (Hebrews 11:17-19, NASB).
Let's review what we know. God had promised Abraham an heir from whom would come a nation of people. After waiting many years, the heir finally came and they named him Isaac. However, when Isaac was about 15 years old (which made Abraham about 115), the Lord spoke to Abraham to go to a place God would show him and sacrifice the son of promise—Abraham's future hope.
Notice that it says God tested Abraham, which doesn't indicate Abraham was deficient in his faith, but that God was showing him, Isaac, and today's readers the depth and quality of his faith. Without hesitation, Abraham made plans to do so and would have sacrificed Isaac had not God intervened. What was going on here?
The writer of Hebrews tells us, "Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead." Abraham applied everything he knew about himself, his experiences, and his God to come to the conclusion that if he did indeed sacrifice Isaac, then God would raise him from the dead—an unprecedented action for anyone to consider in Abraham's day. We're told that in a sense, Abraham did receive Isaac 'back from the dead,' for in his mind and heart, he had already sacrificed him.
You can use the reasoning skills God gave you to find a way to do His will or to excuse your self from doing it. What God expects of the old(er) is for them to lead the way in faith because their experience qualifies and equips them to do so. What faith lessons of the past can you apply to the present in a way that will enhance and not hinder your progress in the Lord? How well are you leading the faith way in your family, church, or ministry? How can you do more to set a faith example for others to follow?
After all Abraham had been through, God will still working in his life, even in his old age. And we're glad God did that, for we now have a sterling example of someone who was not too old for faith and purpose. Because he wasn't, we have no excuse not to walk out our faith even in our retirement years just as Abraham did. Have a blessed week!