November 3, Poor Causes

Today’s reading: Psalms 11-15

“Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may
live on your holy mountain? . . .
who lends money to the poor without interest; who does not accept a bribe against the innocent” - Psalm 15:1, 5.

Psalm 15 provides a list of those who meet the criteria of the questions posed in verse one. In today’s verse, you see that those who use their money not for personal gain but to help others, especially the powerless, are counted among God’s special people. Yet, it is not just money to help the poor that separates them in God’s eyes. God also honors them when they do not side against the poor for some personal gain, advantage, or privilege. At this time of year, it is customary to reflect on what can be done for the poor, but this should be a year-round consideration, not just for what you can give but also for how you can take sides on an issue that will benefit the poor in education, government policy, or housing. Jesus is the ultimate role model when it comes to ministry to the poor, as Paul explained in 2 Corinthians 8:9: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” Are you eager to help the poor, or is it just talk? Do you constantly spend on yourself with nothing left over for the poor? What more can you do not just to give money but also to support the cause of the poor?


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