The Monday Memo

Monday Memo 1174: Your Legacy

It's wonderful to leave a financial legacy for those coming after you, but it's even better to provide a spiritual one. Jacob or as God renamed him, Israel, did both. He left land (a bit more to his favorite son Joseph—he played favorites to the end) and then made a faith prediction that Joseph would return to the land of his fathers.

Monday Memo 1173: Faith Reasoning

You can use the reasoning skills God gave you to find a way to do His will or to excuse your self from doing it. What God expects of the old(er) is for them to lead the way in faith because their experience qualifies and equips them to do so. What faith lessons of the past can you apply to the present in a way that will enhance and...

Monday Memo 1172: Depression

In this series, Never Too Old for Purpose, we have looked at various aspects of those who purposefully serve the Lord in their latter years. We see in today's lesson that depression and fatigue are two of the obstacles that we all face no matter our age.

Monday Memo 1171: The Way You Should Go

An oft-quoted proverb about raising children is found in this familiar verse: "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he grows older he will not abandon it." (Proverbs 22:6)Of course, first and foremost, it would seem that this training pertains to instruction concerning God's requirements for righteous living. But I think it's more than that.

Monday Memo 1170: A Gift From God

The key to a happy old age is to enjoy the Lord while you are young and do meaningful, purposeful while you can, remembering that life is short. Older folks always told me that my senior years would be here before I knew it—and they were right. Now I encourage you to make the most of the days you have, for they truly are a gift from God, and...

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Daily Devotional

October 15, Bitter Trouble

Once again we turn to the topic of suffering and trouble, a common theme throughout both the book of Psalms and this devotional. The title of Psalm 71 does not indicate that David wrote it, but it certainly sounds like him as we have...

October 14, Remember

David obviously wrote and composed when he was in trouble, which was pretty much all the time, and his writing must have helped him process his situation and regain his perspective. His complaints or laments almost always ended in...

October 13, Thirst for God

David was in the desert and he was probably thirsty. Yet he indicated his spiritual thirst was as great if not greater than his physical thirst. David went on to say, “You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy” (Psalm 63:5).

October 12, Clever Lies

Today we return to another familiar theme in Psalms, and that is fear. We have not paid much attention to the thematic titles that some of the psalms have, but the heading for Psalm 56 states that David wrote this, “regarding the time the Philistines seized him in Gath.”

October 11, Riches

Wealth and riches are deceptive, causing you to put your trust in them and not in the Lord. The challenge is that you may not see yourself as wealthy, but when you compare yourself to the rest of the world, you may very well be!