August 30, Humility
Today’s reading: Psalms 146-150
“The Lord sustains the humble
but casts the wicked to the ground” - Psalm 147:6.
God loves and cares for the humble, the people who are not proud and who recognize their need for the Lord. The humble do not take matters into their own hands, but rather trust Him to provide for, protect, and defend them. Humility is an attitude, and Mary, Jesus’ mother, spoke of its importance. Later, Jesus addressed the implications of those who have or do not have this attitude. First, look at what Mary said: “He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble” (Luke 1:52). Then here is what Jesus had to say: “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted” (Luke 14:11). The important thing to remember is that you maintain this attitude and determine whether you fit into the proud or humble category. Do you need to adjust your attitude today? Do you need to humble yourself before the Lord, or someone else? Is there an area of your life where arrogance and rudeness prevail? If the answer is “yes,” then you need to correct that or else the Lord will.