Monday Memo 1149: Never Too Old For Purpose

It's time to start a new series since last week we finished the "Never Too Young for Purpose." series. While at breakfast with a friend a few days ago, he said, "Make sure you write something about us older folks and our need not to retire but to stay focused and on purpose."

Monday Memo 1148: Purpose Wisdom

If God appeared to you and asked you what you wanted Him to give you, what would you ask for? Money? A car? A house? A spouse? That actually happened to a young man as we read in 1 Kings 3:5: "That night the Lord appeared to him [Solomon] in a dream and asked him, “What would you like me to give you?"

Monday Memo 1147: Proverbs

Early in my walk with the Lord, someone shared some advice with me that changed my life: "There are 31 chapters in Proverbs. Read one chapter a day and you will finish the entire book in a month. Then start over again." I did that every month for many years and then I wrote and published two devotionals featuring a verse from Proverbs for every day of the year. Now fifty years later...

Monday Memo 1146: It's a Gift

Throughout this "Never Too Young for Purpose" series, we have looked at people and principles that will help you be a person of purpose, no matter your age. As you get older, however, you will need to make a living so you can earn money and pay your bills. God knows you need money so you can eat and have the other necessities of life, so He promised...

Monday Memo 1445: Get Ready

In this week's entry in our 'Never Too Young for Purpose' series, we look at one more lesson from the life of Esther. After Esther was made the queen, she soon discovered that there were some people who hated the Jews, but what they didn't know was that Esther herself was Jewish. These enemies lied to the king and tricked him into ordering that all the Jews were to be killed.

Monday Memo 1144: The Best You Can Be

Last week we began to look at the story of Esther in our 'Never Too Young for Purpose' series. Esther was a teenage orphan who was quite beautiful, so much so that she was chosen as a candidate to be the next queen. After she and others were selected for consideration, this is what happened:

Monday Memo 1143: A Special Place

This week, let's look at a young lady who played an important role in her people's history to see what you can learn to help you as a young person of purpose. Her name was Esther and here is how we meet her in the Bible:

Monday Memo 1142: Young and Old Alike

We are examining the role young people can and should have in the kingdom of God in this series "Never Too Young for Purpose." This week, let's go back to see a promise God made to a prophet as to what would happen when He poured out His Spirit on the earth:

Monday Memo 1141: Now

In this week's 'Never Too Young for Purpose' lesson, let's look at a young man who saved his uncle, who just happened to be the Apostle Paul. Because Paul was influencing many to follow Christ, many Jews hated him, so much so that he ended up in jail after some of them rioted to protest his very presence.

Monday Memo 1140: The Fire

Let's continue to examine the life of Daniel in our 'Never Too Young for Purpose' series. This week, we will take a look at the well-known story of Daniel's friends being thrown into a blazing furnace because they refused to bow down and worship the king's golden image, telling him...

Monday Memo 1139: Great Faith

We have seen over the last few weeks the progress Daniel made in Babylon to the extent that he was now part of the king's court and was consulted on important matters of the kingdom. Then one day the king had a dream and he asked his wise men to interpret it, with one important condition:

Monday Memo 1138: Good Students

Last week, we looked at the life change that Daniel went through as he was carried off as a prisoner of war to Babylon. Daniel refused to eat the food there, which would have been in violation of God's dietary laws as described in His Word, and because he was faithful, God gave Daniel favor with his overseer. That's not all God gave him:

Monday Memo 1137: Faith in Hard Times

It's time this to take a look at another young person who was a champion of purpose in the Bible, and that young person is Daniel. In the book named after him, we read, "The king ordered Ashpenaz, his chief official, to select from among the Israelite exiles some young men of the royal family and of the noble families. They had to be handsome, intelligent...

Monday Memo 1136: Young Jesus

Because the focus of the gospel accounts is on Jesus as an adult, we often don't consider that He was once young and grew up like any other person. That means Jesus was like us in every way, except He could not sin: "Since the children, as he calls them, are people of flesh and blood, Jesus himself became like them and shared their human nature" (Hebrews 2:14).

Monday Memo 1135: "God Can Do It!"

In one of their raids against Israel, the Syrians had carried off a little Israelite girl, who became a servant of Naaman's wife. One day she said to her mistress, “I wish that my master could go to the prophet who lives in Samaria! He would cure him of his disease.” When Naaman heard of this...

Monday Memo 1134: "Shut Them Up"

The theme of our latest series is that no one is too young to find and fulfill their God-given purpose. We've been studying young people of purpose in the Bible and this week, let's look at what Jesus had to say when the religious leaders tried to shut down and shut up the children's praise in the Temple:

Special Holiday Edition Monday Memo 1133: Mary

In this next lesson in our "Never Too Young for Purpose" series, let's look at a woman who figured prominently in the Christmas story, none other than Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary was a teenager when she gave birth to Jesus, so she certainly is a young person of purpose from whom we can learn a lot in our own search for purpose.

Monday Memo 1132: Wherever

Let's look one more time at the life of Genesis Joseph in our series 'Never Too Young for Purpose,' for there is one more important lesson for any young person who is searching for purpose. We read, "So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who...

Memo 1131: Know and Prepare

As we continue to look at the life of teenage Joseph in our "Never Too Young for Purpose," we learn that he had a second dream about his future, which simply confirmed the message of the first dream: Then Joseph had another dream and told his brothers, “I had another dream, in which I saw...

Memo 1130: A Teenager's Dream

Let's move on for the next few weeks to look at another young person of purpose in the Bible. His name was Joseph and we first read something about him when he was seventeen years old: This is the account of Jacob’s family line. Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers...

Memo 1129: A Good Sister

Let's continue with our focus on young people of purpose in the Bible. This week, we'll look at the story of baby Moses and the role his older sister played in his rescue: "When she [Moses' mother] saw what a fine baby he was, she hid him for three months. But when she could not hide him any longer, she took a basket made of reeds and covered it with tar to make it...,"

Memo 1128: Let the Children Come

Some people brought children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and to pray for them, but the disciples scolded the people. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." He placed his hands on them and then went away (Matthew 19:13-15).

Memo 1127: A Big Head

What do you do when you do something well? What's more, how do you handle it when someone compliments you for something you did well? If you're like some, you may not know what to do in those situations. Some people will tell you not to speak about what you do well and may even recommend you deny you can do it! So let's stay...

Memo 1126: Family Life

David was a hero to many in his day and is still the champion of the nation of Israel. Yet it's interesting that he was never a champion in his own family. When we first meet David, Samuel was looking for one of Jesse's sons to anoint to serve as the next king because God told him he would find him there. Yet after Samuel...

These three books were developed from various Monday Memo series.


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